Model Answers on Describing Charts


This post is consisted of model answers related to the graph question in G.C.E. (O/L) English paper. The students can follow these as a model to get an idea of how to produce an answer for such a question. However, these are only model answers and do not reproduce them at the exam. These are only to grab an idea about how to describe various types of charts given at the exam. The credit should go to the original writers in Madakalapuwa Zone.


Chart 01 – Pie Chart

The pie chart given below shows the results of a survey conducted at Rathgama Maha Vidyalaya on what children like to play in their free time. There are six games included in the pie chart. They are cricket, Elle, volleyball, football, hockey and chess. According to the details given in the chart, most of the children like to play cricket: 35%. The least favorite game among the children is hockey. Only 5% of the children like to play hockey. However, an equal percentage of the children like to play volleyball and football. According to the details of the survey Elle is the second most favorite game among children. As a percentage it stands at 20%. According to the chart more children like to play chess than hockey. 10% of the children like to play chess while only 5% of them like hockey.


Chart 02 – Pie Charts


The pie charts given here show how the students of Grade 11 classes of Wasantha Vidyalaya select aesthetic subjects. The pie charts represent separately how boys and girls favor the different aesthetic subjects. There are four aesthetic subjects. They are Drama, Music, Dancing and Drawing. According to the details given in the pie charts the highest percentage of the boys like drawing. it is 40% while the most popular aesthetic subject among the girls is Dancing: 60%. However, Dancing is the least popular aesthetic subject among the boys. It stands as low as 10%. The percentage difference for dancing between girls and boys is as high as 50%. Interestingly, an equal percentage of girls like Drawing and Drama: 10%. According to the pie charts more boys like Drama than girls. 30% of the boys and 10% of the girls like Drama. Music is equally popular between both girls and boys: 20%. Though Drawing is the most popular aesthetic subject among the boys it is one of the least popular aesthetic subjects among the girls.


Chart 03 – Bar Graph

The following graph shows how the Lions Club of Ganemulla has allocated money in percentage under different projects. Study the graph and write a description about how the money was distributed. Use around 100 words.

The graph given here shows how the Lions Club of Ganemulla has allocated money in percentage under different projects. There are six projects: Drugs and Medical Equipment, Spectacles and Hearing Aids, Disaster Relief, Elders' Homes, Health Camps and Other Relief Work. According to the details given in the graph the Lions Club has allocated the highest amount for Elders Homes. It stands as high as 30%. On the other hand, the least percentage of money has been allocated for Drugs and Medical Equipment: 5%. The two projects on Spectacles and Hearing Aids and Disaster relief have been allocated an equal percentage of money: 20% each. The club has planned to spend more on Health camps than both Drugs and Medical Equipment and Other Relief Work. According to the graph the Lions Club of Ganemulla pays much attention on Elders' Homes than other projects.


Chart 04 – Bar Graph

The following bar graph shows the preference of a group of students for an educational tour. Write a description of the graph. Use around 100 words.

(1. The Hill country 2. The Yala National Park 3. Colombo 4. The Museum 5. The Hambathoda Harbour 6. The Sigiriya)


The graph given here represents the preference of a group of students for visiting different places in the country. There are six places included in the graph. They are The Hill country, The Yala National Park, Colombo, The Museum, The Hambanthota Harbor and The Sigiriya. According to the details given the graph the highest numbers of students prefer to visit Colombo. 12 students like to visit Colombo. The least preferred place among the students is the Hill Country. However, an equal number of students like to visit The Yala National Park and The Museum.: 6 each. The second most favorite place among the students is The Hambanthota Harbor. More children like to visit The Hambanthota Harbor than the Sigiriya.


Chart 05 – Pie Chart

The following Pie-chart tells you about what students in your class use the internet for. Write a description based on the information given. Use about 100 words.

These words may help you: majority, minority, some, many, highest


The pie-chart given here shows what students in Grade 11A use the internet for. According to the chart the students use the internet for five purposes: education, online ordering, communication, information and entertainment. According to the details given in the pie chart the majority of the students use the internet for entertainment. As a percentage it stands at 35%. On the other hand, only 10% of the students use the internet for online ordering. 27% of the students use the internet for education. That is the second highest percentage. More students use the internet for communication than information: 15% and 14% respectively. According the details given in the pie chart the highest percentage of the students use the internet for entertainment.


Chart 06 – Venn Diagram

The following Venn diagram shows three games a group of students of grade 11 C class of Jayampathy Vidyalaya like to play in their free time. Study the graph and write a passage. Use around 100 words.


The Venn diagram given here shows three games a group of students of grade 11 C class of Jayampathy Vidyalaya like to play. The three games are cricket, chess and carom. There are 32 students. According to the diagram 10 students like to play only cricket and 5 students like to play only chess. 7 students prefer only carom. 4 students like to play only chess and carom. 3 students like to play only carom and cricket. Only one student likes to play all the three games. According to the diagram the majority of the students like to play only cricket. So, cricket is the most favourite game among the students. The least favourite game among the students is chess.


Chart 07 – Data Table


The table given here represents the countries where 125 students of Ranpokunagama Maha Vidyalaya like to study after their A/L Examination. The names of six countries they like to study are directly mentioned in the table. The 7th row represents the other countries.

According to the table the highest number of students like study in America: 30 students. As a percentage it stands at 24. The lowest number of students like to study in countries other than those mentioned in the table. As percentage it stands at 5.6%. An equal number of students, 10 for each, like to study in India and Russia respectively. According to the table, more students like to study in England than Japan.

As a whole, the most favorite country among the students for studying after A/L is America. The second most favorite country among the students is England.


Chart 08– Bar Graph


The bar graph given here represents the number of dengue victims found at Kaluthara in the year 2015. The horizontal axis represents the months and the vertical axis represents the number of dengue patients. According to the graph the highest numbers of dengue patients were reported in May. The number was as high as 700. The lowest numbers of patients were reported in December. An equal number of patients were found in January and in November. The numbers of patients found at Kaluthara were higher from May to August than all the other months.

According to the graph I can find that there was a decrease in the cases found from June to November. There was a sharp increase in the number of dengue patients after April in 2015. It was an alarming increase of 500 patients. However, there was a gradual drop of cases after May.


These model answers are based on the resource hand out prepared by teachers in Batticola Zone and shared by Mr. Rohana C. Fernando in his Facebook group of English papers. All the credit should go for the writers who composed these valuable model answers. You can download the original worksheet here.


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