Possible Ordinary Level Essay Type Answers (Part 02)


This post is the continuation of the previous post related to possible essay type answers for the ordinary level examination shared by Muzoumi with the good intention of sharing knowledge. Hope you will improve your knowledge on writing about the grossing topics which could be the possible questions for the exams. 


Tourism in Sri Lanka

Tourism is the main source of income of most of the countries of the world today. Tourism means travelling for pleasure. People also travel for religious, business and educational purposes. Man always has a desire for travelling. With the development of different modes of transport facilities tourism has turned into a major industry. It is a top income earner in the modern world.

Sri Lanka being a tropical island with a long history has better opportunities for tourism. The diversity in nature and the rich Buddhist culture provide a suitable environment for tourism. Sri Lanka is no more a war ravaged country today. She is a peaceful nation today. A visitor can travel anywhere in the island without fear. The good road network is another advantage. They save the time of the tourist.

There is a rich cultural heritage in Sri Lanka. The ancient cities like Anuradhapura and Polonnaruwa bear witness to this. Even in the ancient times Sri Lanka was a popular tourist attraction. Sri Lanka is gifted with natural beauty. There are golden beaches, rainforests, waterfalls etc. The visitor gets a rare experience here.

Tourism is a solution for most of the economic problems of the country. It creates many job opportunities. The development of infrastructure facilities is another advantage. But there are disadvantages, too. Child abuse, narcotic drugs, prostitution, environmental pollution etc. are a few of them. With better management tourism can be made a blessing for our country.


Challenges make us Strong

“Failures are the pillars of success. This is a popular saying about how facing challenges makes a successful individual. We have plenty of experiences every day. We can cope with some of them, but some are hard to face. Most of these hard experiences are challenges in life.

Examples of challenges in day-to-day life are poverty and exploitation. However, school children have to face other challenges such as facing exams, associated with peer groups and also overcoming bullies.

Whatever the challenge, we need to develop our physical and mental strength in order to face challenges. We also have to make right decisions in our lives. For example, selecting a stream for the A/L examination is a challenge for most students. So, they let their teachers, parents or friends choose the subjects for them. We should not be weak enough to let others make decisions on our behalf.

By making proper decisions, working according to a plan, taking responsibility and speaking up for oneself, one can overcome challenges and win over the world. Let us face challenges and make ourselves successful individuals. “Shoot for the moon. Even if you fail, you’ll land among the stars.”


The Brain Drain

Brain Drain refers to the immigration of scientists, engineers, doctors and other technically qualified persons usually from an underdeveloped and undeveloped country to a more advanced or developed country.  Every year hundreds of skilled professionals and Sri Lankans trained abroad make frantic efforts to leave Sri Lanka and stay abroad.

There are some sad facts behind the great brain drain in Sri Lanka. One of the main reasons is the widespread unemployment and underemployment in our country. The excess of skilled professionals in Sri Lanka has bred an army of educated unemployed. Rather than return home to unemployment, skilled Sri Lanka prefer to stay back in the West, where professionals command at better market value.

The lack of research facilities in Sri Lanka is also one of the causes for Brain Drain from Sri Lanka. Scientists and other research professionals need sophisticated equipment to carry on their research related works.

The better job conditions and higher standard of living in those countries lure these qualified professionals to decide to stay on there. It is high time that the people in power should think of a solution for this problem. Otherwise, we may lose more youngsters to brain drain and face this massive national loss.


Renewable Energy

The time has clearly come to think of alternative sources of energy. We already have hydro power, but no more major hydro power projects can be built and the existing ones were under-utilized owing to drought conditions. But, there are two alternatives that will be able to see us through – solar power and wind power. Completely renewable and non-polluting, this promise power till eternity. Sri Lanka is ideally located to take advantage of both sources of power and even ocean wave energy, the latest concept in power generation.

Of these three, it is solar power that has the biggest potential in a tropical country such as Sri Lanka. The Government has accordingly started a “battle for solar power” and provided a series of incentives for those who opt for solar power. Moreover, if one’s home or factory produces extra energy via solar, the excess amount can be sold to the National Grid. Once the initial investment is recovered, power is free for life


Healthy Food

We human beings need food to survive. However, we should be careful in selecting our food. We must always choose healthy food. A healthy diet consists of several nutrients such as carbohydrates, protein, fat, vitamins and minerals. These nutrients help us in many ways. Carbohydrates give us strength to work, and rice, potatoes and bread contain carbohydrates. Proteins and vitamins protect us from illnesses. Children especially must eat food with proteins and vitamins, the examples are fish, meat, eggs, green leaves and vegetables. Minerals make our teeth and nails healthy.

When our bodies lack these nutrients we will not be healthy. Lack of vitamins causes many diseases. When children do not eat a balanced diet they become weak. Nowadays people eat instant and junk food such as burghers, pizza, short eats and artificial drinks. When people are addicted to junk food they get heart attacks, strokes, cholesterol and diabetes. As a young generation, we must eat healthy food to stay healthy.


Home Gardening

Home gardening has become increasingly popular in Sri Lanka due to lockdowns and the increasing prices of the vegetables and fruits. This has made the people grow their own fresh fruits and vegetables.

The government has also promoted home gardening concept by supplying seeds and other assistance. TV programs on home gardening such as making compost fertilizer, greenhouse gardening etc. have provided useful knowledge to the people.

Growing vegetables in our own garden has a twofold advantage for us. Firstly, we can eat vegetables and fruits free of chemicals. Secondly, we can get an immense sense of self-satisfaction from gardening. Home gardening can contribute to the food security of the nation while making us happier and healthier.


Drug Addiction

Drug Addiction is one of the serious problems of the present times. The narcotics like heroin, hashish, ice and brown-sugar are commonly called drugs and young men and women either take these drugs orally or inhale their smoke.

Sociologist says that drug-addiction is an addiction which has come to Sri Lanka and other oriental countries from the western-countries. The Sri Lankans are imitating the west and becoming drug-addicts. In the modern Sri Lankan society there are several family-problems. The lack of love and affection forces youths to get addicted to drugs. Sometimes the peer pressure tempts the youth to become an addict.

Drug-addicts must be treated with love and kindness. The society should take strong measures to control the smugglers of drugs and drug-traffickers. There are laws of drug-control all over the world, yet drug-addiction is increasing gradually. What is needed an anti-drugs consciousness which can be instilled at the young age among the youth of Sri Lanka.


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