Cardinal Error of Using Grammar Translation Method Excessively

According to Wikipedia the Grammar Translation Method is a language teaching method to teach foreign languages - derived from the classical method of teaching ancient Greek and Latin. In GTM classes, students learn grammatical rules and then apply those rules by translating sentences between target language and the native language. Here, much focus is paid on grammar and language structures rather than listening, speaking or communication.

In Asian contexts like Sri Lanka, many teachers use this method to teach English language using native languages like Sinhala. This method is much popular as it is directly associated with the native language or mother tongue, hence it is easy to use and students always be at the comfort zone. Here the language is taught as another subject like Science or Mathematics. Memory plays a major role here. Route learning, drilling and translation can be the major techniques associated with teaching. Students have to memorize the words and patterns of the target language and apply them to translate sentences from native language into target language.

There is always a cross reference to the native language with English grammar rules, therefore one who is proficient in native language can easily learn the way to translate sentences. The students’ Cognitive skills or brain power help them to learn language easily. Teacher basically introduces grammar rules and gives extensive practice to translate sentences using similar structures. Here teacher helps the students with new words. By hearting words and phrases plus grammar structures are the common practices in GTM and students. These methods can be different according to the capacity of the student, teacher and his/her creativity.


Positives in GTM

GTM is quite popular because of the methods of exams in Sri Lanka. For target oriented exams, to learn language as a subject, teachers most of the times use GTM; not only for English, this can be utilized for other languages too. Here, in our blog we focus more on ESL matters. Depending on the capacity and the age level of the student, he or she can learn the target areas of the language tested. Therefore, here in Sri Lanka, it is a common practice to use this method to teach foreign languages. Result is most of the time guaranteed as by practicing basic tenses of language, the student is able to perform at the exams well. Here, the student has to memorize a lot of vocabulary and grammar structures.

The teacher’s role is important and the teacher should be proficient in both languages. It is easy for the teacher as he can focus on a single area and practice extensively. Teacher can pre-plan activities and vocabulary items; hence teacher too can be at the comfort zone in teaching. It does not mean it is easy, teacher should have a clear understanding in language structures and vocabulary.

For a basic level learner, who has fear to deal with the target language, this method always works fine. The student feels safe as he deals with his own language. Therefore, most students too prefer this method to learn language. By mastering the sentence patterns, they can apply them to some spoken situations too. Therefore, GTM plays a major role in the system of language learning in Asian contexts.


Cons of GTM

As Grammar Translation Method focuses more on writing, other skills of language can be hindered which is the main disadvantage of GTM. Therefore, the students may not be able to produce language as a language spontaneously. The student’s language capacity and constant translation might slow down the fluency of their language delivery. That means, the student might not be able to speak fluently as language production does not happen in the mind automatically. They constantly have to translate ideas from the mind from the native language to target language. It is not an easy thing and depends on the capacity of the speaker too, hence the language encounter becomes obviously artificial.

Another bigger threat is the loss of creativity. Language is a living thing, by using GTM, it might hinder the creative use of language. The language is associated with linguistic and non-linguistic features including body language. Artificial production hinders the authenticity and creativity of language. Language is bound with emotions and situations which cannot be taught as a subject, it should be acquired as we have acquired our mother tongue. Therefore, GTM is not the perfect candidate to learn complete skills of a language.

As a result of excessive use of GTM, countries like Sri Lanka have not produced much artists nor writers who perform well from other languages. According to surveys many Sri Lankans cannot speak fluently though they can read and write well. It has become a concern for the policy makers who plan syllabi in the education system.


How to Deal with the Situation

The main focus should be on the attitude and the testing methods in the system of education. The language should be taught as a language and the testing should cover all the areas of language like speaking, listening, writing and reading. The teaching methods should be versatile, not limited to GTM. Teacher should be a facilitator who creates situations in the classroom for the students to use the language authentically.

In conclusion, we cannot say that Grammar Translation Method is not suitable for teaching target language. It can be used according to the situations and for language classes it should be used sparingly. The approach to teach language should be eclectic, a collection of many methods to teach language.

The main purpose of a language is to speak, communicate with another person; therefore, listening and speaking should be given much focus in a language learning scenario. Therefore, using GTM should be done knowing the pros and cons of its usage.

What are your views with regard to the use of GTM in ESL environment? Please share your ideas in the comment section. Please share the post if you find it useful to other.

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