Model Script of Announcements for a Prefects Investiture

This is the announcing script used for the Prefects investiture programme of Buonavista College 2023. You may make any changes accordingly and use this for your programme. 


Rasani: If your actions create a legacy that inspires others to dream more, learn more, do more and become more, then you are an excellent leader.

Maleesha: It is a proud moment for the Bounavistian family. The emerging leaders are to be recognized and simultaneously pin up badges onto the position holders so as to instil in the newly elected school prefects a sense of duty and pride.

Yasasvi: As it is rightly said that leaders are not born, they are made. Leaders are the role models who inspire the followers and motivate them to reach the target of success.

All: So, this is the proud and majestic moment to start the prefects’ investiture 2023.


Lighting the oil lamp

Rasani: ‘Gows the gloomy ignorance – Raising radiance insight.’ May the light lit up the wisdom and enlighten the path of our future leaders.

Yasasvi: It is the time to light the traditional oil lamp.

Maleesha: To light the oil lamp we cordially invite: (read the list)


Welcome speech

Rasani: He has the vision to recognize, he excels his plans for the future generation. He is none other than our respected principal (name)

Maleesha: He holds the prime responsibility to welcome our distinguished guests who have arrived here to grace our graceful moment.

Yasasvi: Dear sir, we invite you to deliver the welcome speech and enlighten our audience about the purpose behind this majestic event.


Pinning up badges

Maleesha: The most anxiously awaited moment has finally arrived. It is time to crown our emerging leaders by pinning up the badges.

Rasani: Your actions will inspire others to dream more and become more because you are going to be the role models of the younger generation. It is high time to pin up the badges for the junior prefects’ body representing grade 08.

Yasasvi: To crown the growing sapling of leaders, we proudly invite (name), the principal to the stage. He will be accompanied by ………….(name)

Maleesha: Reading the list

Rasani: Thank you sir, Now it is the time to crown the junior prefects from grade 09.

Yasasvi: To pin up the prefects’ badges for grade 09 leaders, we gracefully invite ………(name), the zonal director of Education, Galle. He will be accompanied by ……………(name)

Rasani: reading the list.

Maleesha: Thank you sir, we hope that our young leaders will uphold the values of the school by keeping the school’s flag high.


Dancing performance

Yasasvi: We hope that your hearts must be filled with glory. It is time to reward your eyes with a wonderful performance of dancing.

Rasani: We would open the stage for the school dancing unit to colour up it with their sparkling performance.


Maleesha: It was such a wonderful performance. Taking this opportunity, I would like to thank all the teachers who were behind this magical exhibition.


Pinning up the senior badges

Rasani: Students of today are the visionaries and torch bearers of tomorrow; when we develop personality skill and mind, we develop responsible human beings with leadership qualities.

Yasasvi: Now it is the time for the senior office bearers to get ready to be invested.

Maleesha: To pin up the badges for grade 10 prefects we would invite ……….(name), the Provincial director of Education, southern province. He will be accompanied by ………. (name)

Yasasvi: (reading the list)

Rasani: Thank you very much sir. Next to pin up the badges for grade 11 prefects, we would invite our chief guest, the guest of honour ……………(name, designation) and he will be accompanied by …………..(name)

Maleesha: (reading the list)

Yasasvi: Thank you sir. It is indeed a defining moment for the future leaders.


Music programme

Maleesha; I can feel the turbulence around; the atmosphere is electrifying with anticipation.

Rasani: But before, we would invite the humming birds of school music unit to please your ears with a wonderful melody.


Yasasvi: That was an ideal tune for the moment. We should thank for the music unit of the school for their wonderful performance. (there may be an announcement for oath taking)


Chief guest’s speech.

Rasani: Your presence made us feel important. Your calibre made our event more vibrant. Ladies and gentleman, now it is time for our chief guest, the guest of honour to share his views about our majestic event.

Maleesha: We would gracefully invite ……………..(name, designation) to grace our day with your valuable thoughts.


Yasasvi: thank you sir.


Vote of thank

Maleesha: It was a demonstration of pride and anticipation. Let us not forget this is the culmination of a tedious process with lots of hard work.

Rasani: We would invite …………….(name) to deliver the vote of thank and sum up this majestic moment.

Yasasvi: thank you…..



Yasasvi: It is indeed a landmark day to bounavista collage and the entire prefects board. We hope our young leaders will uphold the leadership values while discharging their duties honestly and impartially.

Maleesha: Well, we have come to the end of the ceremony now. Let us all raise up for the school anthem.


Rasani: That is the end of the prefects’ investiture 2023, Let’s wish our future leaders good luck and have a blissful day for you all. Thank you. I’m Rasani Pramana with my friends Maleesha Omandi and Pabodha Yasasvi.


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